Newsletter [January 2025]
Subtask A
STA organize a conference (BAS2025: ) about PED in Borlänge, Sweden, on 2-4 July 2025.
Subtask C
STC deliverable preparation is on-going. A meeting including STC leaders and responsible persons for the activities will be held in mid-February.
Next Annex 83 meeting | Sweden | 2025
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting will take place in March 13-14 2025 in Borlange, Sweden!
For any clarification regarding both the meeting and the additional PhD session please do not hesitate to contact us.
New publication
new Annex83 paper is online: "Cellura, M.; Fichera, A.; Guarino, F.; Volpe, R. Leveraging Positive Energy Districts Surplus for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Energies 2025, 18, 506."
We are very happy to wish you our best season's greetings!

Newsletter [December 2024]
Subtask D
We are finalizing the work in STD.
D1: The PED database has now included 98 PEDs from 33 projects as shown in Figure below. 40 are in planning phase, 22 are in implementation, 18 are completed and 18 are in operation. In total, 98 PEDs in the PED database 42 of these are PED case studies while 18 are PED Labs and 38 are PED relevant case studies.
D2: We are finalizing the analysis of PED guidelines.
D3: We are collecting all publications of Annex83. Please add your publication with all requested information in a table (for contributions please contact Subtask D; Anna Kozlowska). Thank you very much! This is very appreciated.
Interesting scientific conferences with a focus on PEDs that will take place in 2025
- for the conference REAL Corp 2025 the abstract submission deadline has been extended to 15.January 2025. We are in discussions to include a session about PEDs!
- for the conference 20th SDEWES 2025 Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, a special technical session of invited papers within the Special Session Sustainable urban energy systems: advancing renewable energy communities, positive energy districts and climate-neutral cities is planned. Dr. Rosaria Volpe from University of Catania is organizing and will chair the session.
Next Annex 83 meeting | Sweden | 2025
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting will take place in March 13-14 2025 in Borlange, Sweden! Information about the meeting and registration link are to be found
here. Please finalize the registration by January 15th, 2025 for organizational reasons.
Moreover, as usual, the session for young researchers (including PhD students and PhDs) is open for participation: if you wish to present your research please send me a title of the talk, a very brief bio and brief abstract (750 characters max) by January 15th.
New publication
Marrasso, E., Martone, C., Pallotta, G., Roselli, C., & Sasso, M. (2024). A novel methodology and a tool for supporting the transition of districts and communities in Positive Energy Districts. Energy and Buildings, 318, 114435.
Newsletter [November 2024]
PED Database
The PED Database is further growing in 2024. At the moment there are 83 entries (with 41 PED cases, 11 PED Labs, 31 PED relevant case studies) from 21 different countries. And there are still more in the pipeline as the goal is 100 PEDs. If you are interested in getting your PED into the database, please contact Subtask D immediately!
Newsletter [October 2024]
New call for contribution
There is a new call on Plus Energy Buildings (PEB) projects. Within the EU-funded project Cultural-E, the development of the Plus Energy Building HUB (PEB HUB) is underway. The PEB HUB is a community comprising professionals in Plus Energy Building focused on multifamily residential structures. Its purpose is to support and empower designers in the transition towards a European residential building stock that produces more final energy than it consumes. The PEB HUB will serve as a repository for PEB projects, allowing for continued growth beyond the project's conclusion in March 2025.
For more information, please click on the link: .
Next Annex 83 meeting | Sweden | 2025
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting will be held in in Sweden, at Högskolan Dalarna, in Borlange!
Newsletter [September 2024]
Final Conference 'Energising Neighbourhoods' | Linz | 2-3 September 2024
Our sister project PED-EU-NET organized the Final Conference ‘Energising Neighbourhoods’, Linz, 2-3 September 2024. The conference was jointly organised by the COST Action PED-EU-NET and the City of Linz. It brought together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to reflect on the PED development across Europe to date and to discuss the opportunities, challenges and emergent pathways moving forward to 2025 and beyond. The Final Event showcased the Action results from the past four years of collaboration. Please check here for more details about the event.
Blended Intensive Programme in PEDs | 2 September 2024
On 2nd Sep, Dalarna University welcomed 22 students from the Erasmus+ network to kick off a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). This course is jointly developed by researchers from Subtask A, C and D. Nine Universities and one research institution contributed to the development of this PED programme.
Annex 83 meeting | Montreal | 23-25 September 2024
The IX IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts was held in Concordia University Montreal, during this week, September 23-25 2024 at the Next-Generation Cities Institute, chaired by Ursula Eicker.
The meeting marks the approaching conclusion of the working phase and the start of the reporting stage with several outputs, deliverables and a book being finalized to maximize the impact of the annex results.
The number of visitors in Social media and homepage are growing.
The Varennes Library building, one of the first NZEBs in North America, and the National Resources Canada laboratories were also visited.
It was an inspiring meeting and a unique opportunity to connect with our colleagues in North America! Thanks to Ursula Eicker, Abolfazl (Majid) Rezaei and Saeed Ranjbar for the great organization.
New publications
Kozlowska, A.; Guarino, F.; Volpe, R.; Bisello, A.; Gabaldòn, A.; Rezaei, A.; Albert-Seifried, V.; Alpagut, B.; Vandevyvere, H.; Reda, F.; et al. Positive Energy Districts: Fundamentals, Assessment Methodologies, Modeling and Research Gaps. Energies 2024, 17, 4425.
Rehman, H.u.; Nik, V.M.; Ramesh, R.; Ala-Juusela, M. Quantifying and Rating the Energy Resilience Performance of Buildings Integrated with Renewables in the Nordics under Typical and Extreme Climatic Conditions. Buildings 2024, 14, 2821.
Here is the link to the open access publication:
Newsletter [August 2024]
PED Database development
The PED Database is growing over the summer. At the moment there are 44 entries (with 19 PED cases, 5 PED Labs, 13 PED relevant case studies, and 7 mixtures) from 18 different countries. And many more are in the pineline. If you are interested in getting your PED into the database, please contact Subtask D!
Blended Intensive Programme in PEDs | 15 September 2024
15. September there will be the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in PEDs, organized by Darlana University. Dalarna University is thrilled to offer a new BIP in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) for graduate-level exchange students. With its two weeks of study (one in Sweden/one online) and international student group, this BIP promises to be a unique educational experience. Many Annex83 members are involved as teaching staff! If you are interested in joining please contact Subtask D asap as places are almost full. Check the website for contact details.
Financial Conference 'Energising Neighbourhoods' | Linz | 2-3 September 2024
Our sister project PED-EU-NET is organizing the Final Conference ‘Energising Neighbourhoods’, Linz, 2-3 September 2024. The conference is jointly organised by the COST Action PED-EU-NET and the City of Linz. It aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to reflect on the PED development across Europe to date and to discuss the opportunities, challenges and emergent pathways moving forward to 2025 and beyond. The Final Event showcases the Action results from the past four years of collaboration. Please check here for more details about the event.
Next Annex 83 meeting | Montreal | 23-25 September 2024
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting will be held in Concordia University - Montreal in Canada, September 23-25 2024. The meeting is hosted at the Next-Generation Cities Institute directed by Ursula Eicker. Concordia University is organising everything for your arrival! More information: .
New publications
Clerici Maestosi, P.; Salvia, M.; Pietrapertosa, F.; Romagnoli, F.; Pirro, M. Implementation of Positive Energy Districts in European Cities: A Systematic
Literature Review to Identify the Effective Integration of the Concept into the Existing Energy Systems. Energies 2024, 17(3), 707; Views: 1527, Downloads: 445, Citations: 1, Altmetrics: 0 .
Civiero, P.; Turci, G.; Alpagut, B.; Kuzmic, M.; Soutullo, S.; Sánchez, M.N.; Seco, O.; Bossi, S.; Haase, M.; Massa, G.; Gollner, C. Operational
Insights and Future Potential of the Database for Positive Energy Districts. Energies 2024, 17(4), 899;
Views: 1253, Downloads: 358, Citations: 0, Altmetrics: 0
Newsletter [July 2024]
Subtask B
Ursula Eicker, Andrea Gabaldon and José Manuel Broto were in the International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) presenting their results on ontologies and Positive Energy Districts the past few days (25-27th July) in the city of Toronto. It was a great opportunity to expand the network and disseminate the PEDs benefits and opportunities in North America.
Annex83 Summer School took place
Third IEA EBC Annex83 Positive Energy Districts Summer School, 8th - 12th July 2024, hosted at Graz, Austria) in the innovative Science tower. Around 25 people attended the summer school. The topics that are presented, discussed, shared and taught at the interactive (workshops, presentations, demo visits) summer school are for example:
- Positive Energy Buildings and Districts
- Energy Flexibility
- Energy Resilience
- PEDs Certification
- Life Cycle Costs
- Energy Communities
- Actors and Stakeholders
- Business Models
- Replications
- Tools
- Modelling
- Life Cycle Assessments
- Interactive Workshops & Discussions
Annex 83 meeting | Montreal | 23-25 September 2024
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting will be held in Concordia University - Montreal in Canada, September 23-25 2024.
The meeting is hosted at the Next-Generation Cities Institute directed by Ursula Eicker.
Concordia University is organising everything for your arrival. Do not miss the opportunity to join in person and explore the great city of Montreal. Let us know if you can finally attend!
New publication
Rehman, H., Nik, V. M., Ramesh, R., & Hasan, A. (2024). Investigating the energy resilience performance of the old and new buildings integrated with solar photovoltaic and storage under extreme Nordic conditions. In Proceedings of eSim 2024: 13th Conference of IBPSA-Canada (Vol. 13). International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
Newsletter [June 2024]
Sustainability Research + Innovation Congress 2024
Annex83 arranged a round table at Sustainability Research + Innovation Congress 2024 in collaboration with Sustainability Science Days on Citizen in Energy Transitions - Towards Sustainable and Resilient Energy Districts at Aalto University. The event ( ) at Espoo, Finland, 10th – 14th June 2024.
Co-speakers and collaborators: Hassam ur Rehman, Genku Kayo, Rosaria Volpe and Kenshi Baba
in proceeddings of eSim 2024
Hassam ur Rehman; Vahid M. Nik; Rakesh Ramesh; Ala Hasan. “Investigating the energy resilience performance of the old and new buildings integrated with solar photovoltaic and storage under extreme Nordic conditions”. In Proceedings of eSim 2024: 13th Conference of IBPSA-Canada International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
New publications
Irene Bertolami, Adriano Bisello, Marco Volpatti, Marta Carla Bottero. ”Exploring Multiple Benefits of Urban and Energy Regeneration Projects: A Stakeholder-Centred Methodological Approach”, (
Volpatti M., Mazzola E., Bottero M., & Bisello A. (2024). Toward a certification protocol for Positive Energy Districts (PED). A methodological proposal. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, (1), 137-153. )
Volpatti M, Mazzola E, Bottero MC, Bisello A. ”The Role of Positive Energy Districts through the Lens of Urban Sustainability Protocols in the Case Studies of Salzburg and Tampere.” Buildings. 2024; 14(1):7.
Newsletter [May 2024]
Subtask C
The activities of STB and STC will be presented at the 2024 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress, to be held in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, from June 10-14, 2024.
Activities C3.X are being implemented and results will be presented during the meeting in Montreal, next September
The deliverable for STC is going to be developed.
Annex83 & EXCESS Summer School | Graz 8-13 July
The IEA EBC Annex 83 and EXCESS Summer School ” Economics and Replication of PEDs” will be held in Graz from 8th to 13th July, 2024. Aim of this summer school is to provide insights into technoeconomic modelling of PEDs, on lifecycle costing and business cases for PEDs as well as on replicability of PED technologies and solutions, with a focus on economic feasibility in different climate zones. The summer school will include group works elaborating on concrete examples.
New publications
Rehman, H., Hamdy, M., & Hasan, A. (2024). Towards Extensive Definition and Planning of Energy Resilience in Buildings in Cold Climate. Buildings, 14(5), Article 1453.
Volpe R., Cutore E., Fichera A., "Design and Operational Indicators to Foster the Transition of Existing Renewable Energy Communities towards Positive Energy Districts", Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2024
Newsletter [April 2024]
IEA EBC Annex 83 and EXCESS Summer School
The IEA EBC Annex 83 and EXCESS Summer School ” Economics and Replication of PEDs” will be held in Graz from 8th to 13th July, 2024. Aim of this summer school is to provide insights into technoeconomic modelling of PEDs, on lifecycle costing and business cases for PEDs as well as on replicability of PED technologies and solutions, with a focus on economic feasibility in different climate zones. The summer school will include group works elaborating on concrete examples. The venue itself is a planned PED, where a range of innovative technologies will be showcased.
The summer school is free of charge, for PhD students we offer reduced hotel costs.
Registration by mid of may:
Special Issue book "Advanced Energy Systems in Zero/Positive Energy Buildings, Communities and Districts"
The Special Issue book "Advanced Energy Systems in Zero/Positive Energy Buildings, Communities and Districts" edited by Ala Hasan and Hassam ur Rehman has been published online and is freely accessible on the MDPI Books platform:
The reprint book will be listed in book databases and is available through several distribution platforms both in soft and hard copy.
Special Issue new deadline
The deadline for ”Design and Applications of Positive Energy Districts” special issue has been extended until 31 July.
Newsletter [March 2024]
Annex83 at the IEECB&SC'24 and European ESCO Conference 2024
Matthias Haase presented a new paper from Annex83 at the IEECB&SC'24 and European ESCO Conference 2024 in Frankfurt this month.
Title: Lessons learned from analysing PED case studies
Authors:Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase, ZHAW, Switzerland; Ursula Eicker, Caroline Hachem-Vermette, Concordia University, Canada; Genku Kayo, Tokyo City University, Japan; Hassam ur Rehman, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Finland.
New publication
Haase, M, Eicker , U, Hachem-Vermette, C, Kayo, G & Rehman, H 2024, Lessons learned from analysing PED case studies. in 12th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’24) and European ESCO Conference. 12th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’24) and European ESCO Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 6/03/24.
Newsletter [February 2024]
Super intense week in Pamplona for IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts
The IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting in February 26th and 27th was held at Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) - National Renewable Energy Centre - Pamplona.
The energy and innovation theme continued with the final conference of the Stardust Project on 28-29 February in Baluarte (Pamplona) with a specific round table on 'PED as a tool for the decarbonisation of cities'.
Thanks to: All the Annex83 participants, Francesco Reda, Francesco Guarino, Hassam ur Rehman and most of all Sergio Dìaz de Garayo and Florencio Manteca for the great organization of the Annex83 events and the Stardust conference.
Annex 83 meeting | Pamplona | 26-27 February 2024
The IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting in February 26th and 27th was hosted Spain hosted at Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) - National Renewable Energy Centre (Pamplona- Spain) and co-host by VTT. This was the fourth face-to-face along with online (hybrid) event arranged for the working meeting. Happy to have experts, PED enthusiast and various PED projects under one platform!
Everyone was excited to discuss and share current developments and future plans for Positive Energy Districts in Annex83.

The traditional Annex83 PhD talk also took place during the Pamplona meeting. Great work and interesting presentations by the PhD candidates at the PhD talks session arranged in Annex83. Nice presentations and thanks to the presenters!
Further information and photos:,
Newsletter [January 2024]
Subtask D
Interaction between subtasks:
- Subtask D has a focus on interactions between subtasks.
- Colleagues attended a meeting organized by Subtask A regarding the alignment of case studies for respective papers.
Published Preprint - PED Database:
- A preprint is published with the title: Operational Insights and Future Potential of the PED-Database.
- Authors: Civiero, P.; Turci, G.; Alpagut, B.; Kuzmic, M.; Soutullo, S.; Sánchez, M.N.; Seco, O.; Bossi, S.; Haase, M.; Massa, G.; Gollner, C.
- Preprint Link
Guidelines Analyses:
- guidelines analyses based on 85 documents is ongoing with qualitative data analyses software.
- The analyses consider topics e.g. PED Definition, Technological solutions aspects, Energy balance and many more.
Upcoming Events
- Subtask D and particularly CENER has organized the upcoming working meeting, which will take place in Pamplona, Spain, on February 26-27, 2024. This will be followed by the Stardust project's final conference on February 28th-29th at Baluarte (Pamplona) featuring a specific ROUND TABLE discussion on 'PED as a tool for the decarbonization of cities.'.
- Event Link
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme: Positive Energy Districts
Dalarna University is thrilled to offer a new Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) for graduate-level exchange students. With its two weeks of study (one in Sweden/one online) and international student group, this BIP promises to be a unique educational experience for 3 ECTS credits.
The two-week programme aims to support the capacity-building of students in Master’s and doctoral programmes. The programme will result in the transfer of essential knowledge to relevant stakeholders in the Erasmus+ network who are committed to supporting the development of PEDs and the transformation of cities to carbon-neutral status.
This course is jointly developed by researchers from Subtask A, C and D. For more information, please find the link here.
It is recommended to register your interest (for administrative purposes) by 1 March 2024. From 15 March 2024, you can submit your application on
In addition, Dalarna University will pay for the accommodation fees for the first 15 registered students.
Next workshop
The next workshop will be held in Pamplona on 26-27 February 2024. It will be hosted by Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) - National Renewable Energy Centre, and the STARDUST project Final event (28-29 February 2024), which will focus on the Energy Transition of Cities
We are very happy to wish you our best season's greetings!

Newsletter [December 2023]
Next Annex 83 meeting | Pamplona| 26-27 February 2024
The next workshop will be held in Pamplona on 26-27 February 2024. It will be hosted by Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) - National Renewable Energy Centre, and the STARDUST project Final event (28-29 February 2024), which will focus on the Energy Transition of Cities.
New publication
Javier M. Rey-Hernandez, Francisco J. Rey-Martínez, Charles Yousif, Dorota Krawczyk. Assessing the performance of a renewable District Heating System to achieve nearly zero-energy status in renovated university campuses: A case study for Spain. (2023) Energy Conversion and Management.
More info:
First Prize
Rosaura Castillòn Mendoza, Javier M. Rey-Hernandez and Francisco J. Rey-Martínez (GEUMA research group/TEP139 - Universidad de Málaga, GIRTER research group Grupo Termotecnia Uva/UIC053 - Universidad de Valladolid, and Universidad Autónoma de Occident) won the first prize for research projects awarded at the international congress of Ibero-American countries in Colombia. The project revolves around the effective management of Renewable District Heating (DH) through the comprehensive analysis of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to achieve the decarbonization of buildings within a university campus.
Newsletter [November 2023]
IEA EBC ExCo meeting | Beijing | 15-17 November 2023
IEA EBC ExCo meeting was held in Beijing 16th-17th Nov where the progess was reported about the Annex83.
Presentation of the Annex83 activities and latest findings at the IEA EBC ExCo and ISHVAC 2023 conference in Beijing, China at the Technical day on 15th November.
The article titled "Investigating the energy resilience performance of the energy flexible enabled new and old house integrated with renewable energy in cold climatic conditions" authors: Hassam ur Rehman and Francesco Reda was submitted and presented at 13th International Symposium of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2023) at Beijing, China 14th-15th November organized by Tsinghua University, China.
Guest lectures at KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Stockholm | 23 November 2023
Guest lecture and presentation of the Annex 83 activities and outcomes at the lectures (for the Masters and PhD students) was given at KTH Royal institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden on 23rd Nov and at Lund University, Lund, Sweden on 29th Nov
Newsletter [October 2023]
Joint Workshop IEA SHC Task 66 and IEA EBC Annex 83 | Graz
A joint workshop with IEA SHC Task 66 took place on 10 October in Graz. The workshop focused on the SYSPEQ project, the Austrian certification of climate-neutral positive energy neighbourhoods, the Campagne demonstration project and the cost-optimal analysis of EXCESS. Furthermore, topics such as solar power communities, cold neighbourhoods in Austria and buildings without CO2 emissions in China will be discussed.
For more details visit: , as well as and .
Presence at the Urbing 2023 | Salerno
Annex 83 and its organisation was presented by Federica Leone (University of Catania) in the conference titled “Urbing 2023” at UNISA Foundation, University of Salerno, Salerno - Italy. Around forty people attended the meeting.
Newsletter [September 2023]
Subtask C
SBT C is going to submit three different papers regarding the review activities CX.1 of the Annex proposal, i.e., dealing with the economic, environmental and social review of PEDs, respectively.
In the meanwhile, we are organizing internal meetings to accomplish the application of the framework activities developed within the tasks CX.2 in two case studies.
Subtask D
During the IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts expert Subtask D presented the online PED database (PED DB: Map – PED-EU-NET | COST ACTION CA19126 ( with a growing number of PEDs, PED Labs and PED relevant cases.
In addition, the D2 activity has increased the number of collected PED guidelines to 85, and a collaborative work between the subtasks will follow to analyse the different cross-domains and to elaborate a practitioner-oriented guideline.
Super intense week in Lausanne for IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts!
The IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting in September 11th and 12th was held at Starling Hotel - Lausanne.
At the CISBAT2023 conference in Lausanne we held a workshop on September 13th with about thirty participants on the topic of Positive Energy Districts.
Thanks to: All the Annex83 participants, Francesco Reda, Hassam ur Rehman and most of all Matthias Haase for the great organization of the Annex83 events and the organizing committee of the CISBAT2023 conference.
Annex 83 meeting | Lausanne | 11-12 September 2023
The IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts experts' meeting in September 11th and 12th was hosted at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and co-host by VTT. Several activities kicked-off, wrapping up of others, innovative thinking and brainstorming on indicators and KPIs, publications and guidelines for stakeholders: a lot is in the pipeline!
Technical day and visit to the site at University of Lausanne - UNIL campus that show cased about using renewable sources, free cooling, heating, biodiversity and user engagement to improve the energy performance and carbon reduction.
The traditional Annex83 PhD talk also took place during the Lausanne meeting. The presentations made were:
- “Co-ordinations of ocean energy supported zero-emission harbour-to-harbour buildings in the Greater Bay Area “ Shijie Zhou.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- “Non-linear time series models for characterisation and simulation of scandinavian buildings heat demand”Justinas Smertinas. Technical University of Denmark.
- “Territorial acupuncture through the use of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs)” Federica Leone. University of Catania.
- “The choice of multiple benefits for PED and CPCC: an analysis model with Best Worst Scaling method” Marco Volpatti. Polytechnic of Turin.
- “A fast one-stop-shop Assessment and Simulation framework for Positive Energy Districts”Simon Schneider. University of Applied Sciences (Wien), Climate-fit Building and District Solutions.
- “Design and Operational Strategies to Foster the Transition of Existing Renewable Energy Communities towards Positive Energy Districts” Emanuele Cutore. University of Catania
Great work and interesting presentations by the PhD candidates at the PhD talks session arranged in Annex83. Nice presentations and thanks to the presenters!
This is the third face-to-face along with online (hybrid) event arranged for the working meeting. Looking forward to the fruitful discussions among the participants and excited to see each other. The meeting is connected with CISBAT2023 conference as well.
Further information and photos: ; .

CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
At the #CISBAT2023 in the Positive Energy Districts workshop we received a lot of feedback on definitions, modelling, sustainability and business models as well as on demos implementation and guidelines/stakeholders outreach. Vibrant and Positive exchange of ideas were the core of the session!
On September 14th Francesco Guarino and Hassam Rehman chaired a session on PEDs and energy communities: the need for interoperatibility of tools in the early design of PEDs is clearly felt, together with the need for new and innovative tools capable to interpret the complexity behind PEDs while performing design parameters optimization. Lastly, the possibility that "LESS" could be "MORE" when choosing the right amount of building archetypes for cities modeling was the very last thought of the session.
During the CISBAT2023 PhD Talk, Marco Volpatti gave the following presentation on PED:
Authors: Marco Volpatti, Irene Bertolami, Adriano Bisello, Marta Bottero
Title: The choice of multiple benefits for PED and CPCC: an analysis model with Best Worst Scaling method.
Further information and photos: ; ;
Presentation on BS2023
During the BS2023 (the18th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, China) 4th-6th September 2023 organized by IBPSA World, the article titled "Energy flexibility and resiliency analysis of old and new single-family buildings in Nordic climate" was presented. Authored by: Hassam ur Rehman and Ala Hasan.
Joint IEA EBC Annex 83 and IEA SHC Task 66 workshop in Graz | 10 October 2023
A joint workshop with IEA SHC Task 66 is going to take place on 10 October in Graz (no online participation possible).
Further information: Meeting page and on .
Newsletter [August 2023]
Subtask D
STD worked on the preparation of the next IEA EBC Annex83 meeting 11.-12. September in Lausanne. There will be organized a dedicated PhD student session on PED on the second day (12.Sep).
In its bi-weekly meetings, STD prepared some ST-overarching activities:
- Discussion on book sections with each ST
- Discussion on collaborative deliverables from several ST (This discussion will continue at next Annex83 meeting in Lausanne)
Next Annex 83 meeting | Lausanne | 11-12 September 2023
More information: Meetings || IEA EBC || Annex 83 (
For the next meeting in Lausanne we are having a dedicated session for our PhD students to discuss their work. This is a great opportunity for triggering new ideas, mutually exchanging research advancements and expanding your own network.
The PhD talks session of Annex 83will take place on September 12th and each presentation will last about 10-15 minutes. A remote connection possibility will be available.
CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
Another scheduled meeting is the CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
More information: CISBAT Conference
New publication
Newsletter [July 2023]
Subtask C
STC is going to submit four papers with respect to the Activities C1.X for literature review.
Framework activities C2.X for the three economic, environmental and social pillars will be updated in the summer and, to this regard, an internal meeting is planned to be held during the first week of September before the plenary meeting in Lausanne. STC decided November '23 as final deadline for these activities.
We have two case studies to complete the work planned for Activities C3.X. During the last internal meeting, we decided to get in touch with STD, to share ideas and results.
Subtask D
STD developed the meeting agenda for next IEA EBC Annex83 meeting 11.-12. September in Lausanne. There will be organized a dedicated PhD student session on PED on the second day (12.Sep). If you are interested in presenting your work please contact the organizers. Please check with the preliminary programme for more details.
In its bi-weekly meetings, STD prepared some ST-overarching activities:
- Discussion on book sections with each ST
- Discussion on collaborative deliverables from several ST (This discussion will continue at next Annex83 meeting in Lausanne)
- Updates of publications on the website (please check also the News section on the website)
The database of PED went through a technical update. The inclusion of more PED is continuing in a coordinated manner (
Next Annex 83 meeting | Lausanne | 11-12 September 2023
More information: 7th Working Meeting
For the next meeting in Lausanne we are having a dedicated session for our PhD students to discuss their work. This is a great opportunity for triggering new ideas, mutually exchanging research advancements and expanding your own network.
The PhD talks session of Annex 83will take place on September 12th and each presentation will last about 10-15 minutes. A remote connection possibility will be available.
If you wish to participate as speaker please send an email to Francesco Guarino ( ) or Matthias Haase ( ) by August 15th the following information:
- your presentation title
- your personal details (name/surname, institution, PhD supervisor)
- a short abstract (200 words max)
Looking forward to the next PhD talks!
CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
Another scheduled meeting is the CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
More information: CISBAT Conference
New publication
Hassam ur Rehman; Ala Hasan. Energy Flexibility and towards Resilience in New and Old Residential Houses in Cold Climates: A Techno-Economic Analysis. Energies 2023, 16, 5506. .
Newsletter [June 2023]
Subtask C
STC organised and hosted the second Annex83 Ph.D. Summer School from 12th-16th June 2023 in Catania. More information is available in the dedicated section.
IEA EBC ExCo meeting
IEA EBC ExCo meeting was held during 19th -22nd June 2023 in Copenhagen Denmark, where Annex83 presented the status and progress to the ExCo member from contracting party countries and to the chair of IEA EBC. Moreover, Annex83 was presented at the Technical Day of IEA EBC ExCo meeting on 22nd June.
Summer school
The Second IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School on "Principles of energy system modelling for Positive Energy Districts" took place in Catania from the 12th to the 16th of June. The School had 21 participants and topics related to urban planning, mobility, renewable-energy based system, energy control and monitoring, urban carbon footprint and market impact of PEDs were addressed. We warmly thank all Participants and Lecturers for their contribute to the School.
Presentations and more information are available here.
Next Anex 83 meeing | Lausanne | 11-12 September 2023
Next Annex 83 meeting | Lausanne | 11-12 September 2023
More information: 7th Working Meeting
For the next meeting in Lausanne we are having a dedicated session for our PhD students to discuss their work. This is a great opportunity for triggering new ideas, mutually exchanging research advancements and expanding your own network.
The PhD talks session of Annex 83will take place on September 12th and each presentation will last about 10-15 minutes. A remote connection possibility will be available.
If you wish to participate as speaker please send an email to Francesco Guarino ( ) by July 15th the following information:
- your presentation title
- your personal details (name/surname, institution, PhD supervisor)
- a short abstract (200 words max)
Looking forward to the next PhD talks!
CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
Another scheduled meeting is the CISBAT2023 Conference| Lausanne | 13-15 September 2023
More information: CISBAT Conference
New publication
Leone F., Nigrelli F.C., Nocera F., & Costanzo V. (2023). Territorial acupuncture: benefits and limits of energy community networks. BDC. Bollettino Del Centro Calza Bini, 22(2), 271-289.
Summer School | Catania| 12-16 June 2023
The second PhD Summer School of IEA EBC Annex 83 "Principles of energy system modelling for Positive Energy Districts" just started in Catania. More than twenty students on-site from several countries in the world will discuss for one week with experts from Annex 83 on topics of energy modeling of districts, urban planning, Positive Energy Districts definitions and energy simulation.
Presentations and more information are available here.

Newsletter [May 2023]
Subtask C
STC had a meeting with STB for the definition of quantitative indicators for PEDs STC is working with STA with respect to quality-of-life indicators. An internal meeting is planned to take place before the end of June.
Subtask D
In the framework of STD activities an update of social media platform (website, linkedIn, Twitter) was performed (data period Sept 2022 – March 2023):
- Channels: According the findings from the last analyzed period, we decided to focus on sharing our news and activity status on Annex 83 website and LinkedIn account, and reduce activity on Twitter.
- Popularity: Website reached 1400 visitors which gives an increase by half in comparison to the previous reporting period. LinkedIn has now 325 followers (75 new followers since last analyzed period) (Fig.1);
- Tendency: The tendency didn’t change since last analyzed period. LinkedIn profile catches the most attention during the working meetings and conferences whilst website has more stable pattern of visitors throughout the year;
- Geography: The main share of the visitors of our social platforms are located in Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Sweden, France, Canada, Portugal, Norway, USA (Fig.2).

Summer School Approaching
Few days left for the Second Ph.D. Annex 83 Summer School on "Principles of energy system modelling for Positive Energy Districts", which will take place in Catania, 12-16 June.
Special Issue
The special issue “Design and Applications of Positive Energy Districts” change deadline. The new deadline is: 30/04/2024.
Newsletter [April 2023]
Annex 83 Workshop | Palermo | 12-14 April 2023
Annex 83 organised its 6th working meeting, this time in Palermo. This is the second face-to-face along with online (hybrid) event arranged for the working meeting. Happy to have experts, PED enthusiast and various PED projects under one platform. All participants were excited to discuss and share the ongoing development, future plans with the Positive Energy Districts in Annex83.
During parallel sessions held at the working meeting:
Booklet of the meeting and agenda: .

Summer School Registration
Few days left to register to the second IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School, which will be held in Catania from the 12th to the 16th of June. A newsletter with details on the school program will follow in the next upcoming days.
Subtask D
STD submitted two papers to the CISBAT2023 conference that will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland. ( First paper describes the PED database structure elaborated in the frame of D1 activity with the following title: “
A database for positive energy districts (PED)”, while second paper presents main outcomes of the collection of PED Guidelines carried out in D2 activity: “
Collection of Guidelines for PEDs”.
Subtask B Workshop | Palermo | 11 April 2023
The 1st part of the workshop consisted of several presentations from the attendees. Then, 1-2 cases studies and data were presented and followed with a discussion on how those cases can be adapted to their tools (how data can be organized, what adaptations need to be made to use it in their software, etc.). The results are presented at the Annex 83 working meeting in the next days (12th and 13th of April).

Newsletter [March 2023]
Our submissions to CISBAT Conference
Several articles and posters were submitted by the Subtask for participation in CISBAT. If possible, one (or two) sessions dedicated to Annex83 will be organised.
Annex 83 on BT-Seminar Research Sparkles✨ from the World
Annex 83 and its organisation was presented by Hassam ur Rehman (VTT) and Rakesh Ramesh (VTT) in the seminar titled “BT-Seminar Research Sparkles✨ from the World – Tuesday 28th of March” at Department of Civil and environmental Engineering and Zero Emission Neighborhoods, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim Norway. During the same event, the summer school was presented. Around twenty people attended the meeting.
Next Annex 83 meeting | Palermo | 12-14 April 2023
More information:
For the next meeting in Palermo we are having a dedicated session for our PhD students to discuss their work. This is a great opportunity for triggering new ideas, mutually exchanging research advancements and expanding your own network. The PhD talks session will take place on April 13th and each presentation will last about 10-15 minutes.
Next PhD Summer School | Catania | 12-16 June 2023
The second IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School will be held in Catania from 12th to 16th June, 2023. This year, the School will focus on "Principles of energy system modelling for Positive Energy Districts".
More information: DOCUMENT.
Registration form: LINK. Please complete registration by 30.04.2023.
Newsletter [February 2023]
Subtask A
The next ST-A members meeting will take place on 10 March 2023 10:00-11:30 CET. All Annex members are welcome to join, for the meeting link and agenda, please contact Vicky Albert-Seifried.
Subtask C
On 1st February 2023 the project PROPEL on positive energy districts has been kicked off. Within this project, EURAC research will test the application of a multiple benefits approach to integrated sustainability of PEDs, according to STC findings. PROPEL is a 36 months project coordinated by RISE and co-financed by the JPI urban Europe.
The syllabus of the Annex 83 Summer School will be circulated in the next upcoming week.
Subtask D
On 2. Feb. 2023 a workshop on PEDS, POSITIVE ENERGY DISTRICTS essential components for “Net Zero” Cities took place with Austrian stakeholders. Attendees from industry and research discussed about this topic. After an overview about Annex83 by Shokufeh Zamini (AIT, Austria, STD), Christoph Gollner (FFG, Austria), Ali Hainun (AIT, Austria), Carsten Wemhöner (OST, Switzerland), Fabian Ochs und Georgios Dermentzis (UIBK, Austria, STD), Andreas Türk (Joanneum Research, Austria, STC), presented PEDs from different points of view. The presentations are published in
Sustainable Built Environment event organized by Architectural Institute of Japan
Annex 83 participated in the Sustainable Built Environment event organized by Architectural Institute of Japan, which took place in Japan (online) on 15.02.2023. Hassam ur Rehman presented on the topic about Annex83, its plans and positive energy districts/buildings examples. Annex83 Summer school 2023 and CISBAT conference was also highlighted. Participants who attended the event were professors, researchers, constructors, environmental experts in the fields of architecture, construction, real estate and energy policy.
Next Annex 83 meeting | Palermo | 12-14 April 2023
Registration form: LINK . Please complete registration by 10.03.2023.
More information:
For the next meeting in Palermo we are having a dedicated session for our PhD students to discuss their work. This is a great opportunity for triggering new ideas, mutually exchanging research advancements and expanding your own network. The PhD talks session will take place on April 13th and each presentation will last about 10-15 minutes.
If you wish to participate as speaker please send me by March 15th the following information:
- your presentation title
- your personal details (name/surname, institution, PhD supervisor)
- a short abstract (200 words max).
Looking forward to the next PhD talks!
Next PhD Summer School | Catania | 12-16 June 2023
The second IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School will be held in Catania from 12th to 16th June, 2023. This year, the School will focus on "Principles of energy system modelling for Positive Energy Districts".
Registration form: LINK. Please complete registration by 30.04.2023.
New publication
Federica Leone, Ala Hasan, Francesco Reda, Hassam ur Rehman, Fausto Carmelo Nigrelli, Francesco Nocera and Vincenzo Costanzo. Supporting Cities towards Carbon Neutral Transition through Territorial Acupuncture. (2023) Sustainability 2023, 15(5), 4046; .
Newsletter [January 2023]
Subtask B
STB is interviewing case studies (outside the H2020 program) to analyse which technologies (smart technologies, control, energy efficiency and supply) and citizen engagement strategies are being applied in different context. Do you have an interesting case? Please, contact to be part of our analyses!
Subtask C
The Framework Activities are on-going and it is planned to have a meeting with the environmental, economic and social groups in the next upcoming weeks.
STC and STA are collaborating on the topic of stakeholders' engagement and impact assessment.
A recent meeting between Annex 83 members and external experts set the next steps for a joint research paper on decarbonization policies.
Subtask D
Austrian annex83 is going to have a digital stakeholder workshop on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, 13:00-15:00, where PEDS, POSITIVE ENERGY DISTRICTS Essential Components for "Net Zero" City will be discussed. The event addresses the question of what contributions the international network to Positive Energy Districts IEA Annex83 makes to the goal "Net Zero by 2050" and how these activities can be networked with Austrian initiatives .
The PED Guidelines Workshop organized by STD took place on Thursday, 26th of January 2023; 11:00 - 12:00 (CET) with 24 attendees. Experts discussed the findings of the analyses of guidelines after the presentation of Daniele Vettorato, Eurac, Urban planning and technical guidelines, best practices for PED. Moreover the feedbacks from audience were collected about Relevant aspects for URBAN PLANNERS and CITY OFFICERS to be included in the Positive Energy Districts guidelines in an interactive working board.
CISBAT2023 conference will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Annex83 is planning a workshop on PEDs and a session on PED. So far, 10 abstracts were submitted (deadline was 24.January) to the Scientific Committee (from collaborators from all STs in Annex83).
STD (DV) participated in the PED Pilot Call Final Meeting / PED Call II Kick-off Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark 30.-31.January. JPI Urban Europe invited projects from PED Pilot Call (2020) and PED Call II (2021) to participate in the combined JPI Urban Europe PED Projects Meeting on 30/31 Jan in Copenhagen, hosted by Innofund Denmark.
Ph.D. Summer School
Ph.D. Summer School will be held in Catania from 12th to 16th June, 2023.
New publication
Tony Castillo-Calzadilla, Roberto Garay-Martinez and Cristina Martin Andonegui. Holistic fuzzy logic methodology to assess positive energy district (PathPED). (2022) Sustainable Cities and Society Volume 89, February 2023, 104375. .
We are very happy to wish you our best season's greetings!

Newsletter [December 2022]
Subtask D
STD has notified all Annex 83 collaborators the participation of the bi-annual CISBAT conference in Lausanne (13.-15.Sep 2023), specifying the deadline (15th January of 2023) for the abstract submission, urging them to participate, as it is intended to organize a dedicated session on PED.
It was decided that the 6th Annex 83 working meeting will be held 12. - 14. April 2023 in Palermo (Italy) (please register asap).
STD has organized that the Workshop about the Analysis of the PED Guidelines will take place the next 26th of January of 2023 11:00-12:00 CET. An invitation to participate was sent.
STD-leaders (Shokufeh, Sergio and Matthias) participated in the first DB editor meeting on 22.Nov 2022 (online) in cooperation with CA PED-EU-NET. DB Input Form and other issues around the data handling was discussed. If you are interested in putting your PED into the DB, please contact STD-leaders for further assistance.
Special session at CISBAT 2023
As already mentioned in the STD section, Annex 83 will organize a special session at CISBAT 2023 (Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2023) on Positive Energy Districts. If you wish to submit an abstract you can visit the website ( ) and read more within the call for papers ( ). All topics related to annex 83 activities are welcome; the deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2023.
Please also inform Matthias Haase ( ), Francesco Guarino ( ) and Francesco Reda ( ) of your submission for organizational purposes.
Next Annex83 Working Meeting
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School will be held in Catania from 12th to 16th June, 2023.
New publication
Federica Leone, Francesco Reda, Ala Hasan, Hassam ur Rehman, Fausto Carmelo Nigrelli, Francesco Nocera and Vincenzo Costanzo. Lessons Learned from Positive Energy District (PED) Projects: Cataloguing and Analysing Technology Solutions in Different Geographical Areas in Europe. (2022) Energies 16(1), 356; DOI: 10.3390/en16010356.
Newsletter [November 2022]
Subtask C
STC is collaborating with WG3 "PED Laboratories, Monitoring and Replication" of the COST-ACTION.
The next internal meeting will be arranged during the first week of December. It is planned to check the progress of the framework activities and discuss the upcoming activity "Learning from case studies".
Ph.D. Summer School 2023
The next IEA EBC Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School will be held in Catania from 12th to 16th June, 2023.
Newsletter [October 2022]
Subtask A
Subtask A leaders has had a planning meeting to plan for upcoming work till end of the year and to prepare for the April 2023 mtg. The work will primarily focus on further developing the papers presented at the SSPCR conference. Dedicated paper development meetings will be organized with co-authors.
Subtask C
Subtask C had two kick-off meetings regarding the status of the environmental and social framework activities.
An internal meeting with all STC members is going to be planned for the next upcoming weeks to check Journal papers progress and set ideas for activities CX.3.
Subtask D
In the framework of IEA-Networking activity, Shokufeh Zamini (AIT) presented ANNEX83 in an elevator pitch on an Austrian event on 27th Sept. More information is available here: Video: (German with English subtitles).
Subtask D had another meeting with COST Action PED-EU-NET on 14th Sept, on PED database state-of-the-art and plans in regards to database editors.
Newsletter [September 2022]
5th Annex 83 working meeting (Finland)
On 14th and 15th of September another working meeting took place. The meeting was organised in hybrid mode, with some attending online and some in person in Helsinki.

Subtask C
STC completed a State-Of-The-Art report as a first and preliminary output of the activities CX.1 regarding the economic, environmental and social literature review and sustainability assessment. It will be sent to internal Reviewers during the next up-coming weeks. Two journal papers deepening CX.1 activities are going to be submitted before December 2022.
The framework analyses of activities CX.2 have been intensively discussed during the last parallel session in Finland. Each writing team is going to consolidate the work done so far. The deadline for these activities has been set for February 2023.
The STC group is also working on the definition of must-have and characteristics of PEDs, to be implemented during the application of the frameworks developed in CX.3. To this scope, STC will get in touch with STD for PED case studies and with projects and initiatives joining the Annex 83.
The joint activities with STA continue and are mainly devoted to the definition of quality of life indicators for PEDs.
Subtask D
The PED Database is still undergoing some final adjustments, that were addressed during the last progress meeting with COST Action PED-EU-NET the 23rd of September. Another progress report is planned in October to release the final version.
The STD has collected up to 42 PED guidelines so far and the scope of the analysis, as well as the focus of the final outcome of this task were intensively discussed during the parallel session in the Annex83 meeting.
During this last working meeting STD reported on status of the activities recorded on our social media platforms (website, LinkedIn, Twitter). Main outcomes from this analysis for the period 1/04/2022 – 26/09/2022 are:
- Channels: Website and LinkedIn are more preferable channels of communication than Twitter.
- Popularity: Website reached almost 1000 visitors, LinkedIn has 250 followers.
- Tendency: LinkedIn profile catches the most attention during the working meetings and conferences whilst website has more stable pattern of visitors throughout the year.
- Geography: Main percentage of the visitors of our social platforms are located in Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Spain, USA, Canada and Sweden.
- As a result, we encourage everyone to use our social media platforms to obtain information, share experience and promote subtask activities.

Summer School for PhD in 2023
A new IEA EBC Annex 83 Summer School for Ph.D. students has been announced for 2023: it will take place in Late June / Early July in Europe. Please send an email to Francesco Guarino ( if interested in hosting the event at your institution before November 15th.
Plenary meeting in Finland | registration
We would like to remind people that will join Annex83 Plenary meeting by person (face to face) à to register for the meeting via the link as the plenary meeting is approaching, and there is a fee to pay for catering and social dinner etc. (registration form and payment link): ANNEX 83 - Contact Details ( FILL IT IN BY THE 5th of September! ONLY those that will join in person have to register via this link!
For more information regarding the meeting visit: .
Newsletter [August 2022]
Subtask A
A new research project (‘PED-ACT’) is funded through the JPI Urban Europe framework. This project will contribute to standardisation of the database of existing PEDs (planned, designed or implemented) with a focus on Sweden, Turkey and Austria. PED-ACT will further learn the PED characteristics from the database and creates digital PED references by mapping stakeholders’ needs and priorities in cities of Borlänge (Sweden), Umeå (Sweden), Ankara (Turkey), Karsiyaka (Turkey) and the county of Lower Austria (Austria). PED-ACT pursues bilateral learning and co-design strategies among different cities for wide replication of PEDs towards ‘climate-neutrality and smart cities’ goals. This project covers the main work from Subtask A, and contribute to other subtasks and Cost Action CA19126 as well.
Subtask C
The State Of The Art Report will go through a final check for format and citations' corrections and will to be sent for internal review in the next upcoming weeks.
The framework activities are on-going and updates are going to be discussed during the plenary meeting in September.
The extended version of the paper presented at the SEB21 Conference is going to be prepared and an initial draft is expected by the end of October.
Upcoming Event
Annex 83 working meeting is scheduled for 14-16 September 2022 in Finland.
New Special Issues - Design and Applications of Positive Energy Districts
There is a new special issue on Positive Energy Districts : .
For more information on current Special Issues visit: .
Newsletter [July 2022]
Subtask B
The Annex 83 Summer school on “Positive Energy Districts: Towards a holistic approach to modeling and performance assessment” was held in Canada in the first week of July. The school tackled issues such as plus energy design, urban energy modeling, energy systems modeling, energy flexbility, environmental analyses, data-driven modelling, business models and experiences from key projects such as Syn.ikia, MAKING-CITY, or ATELIER were presented. More than 30 students from different countries around the world participated and work on energy modelling of different case studies (MONTREAL: DOMPARK, AMSTERDAM: REPUBLICA, BARCELONA: Santa Coloma de Gramenet). The students will continue working on the case studies assessing different topics (energy flexibility, building renovation, renewable energy integration, etc.) that are relevant for realising PEDs, and publishing different articles about it.
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions Conference
Between 19th and 22nd of July we attended the SSPCR conference in Bolzano. First day of the conference was dedicated to PEDs where we held a session on 'Sharing the experiences on Positive Energy Districts: Lessons learned from Annex 83'. At our workshop there were four discussion groups, each for each subtask. The participants were asked to discuss on these questions:
- What are the essential PED DNAs? Can we create generic PED archetypes based on them?
- What are the categories of quality of life indicators relevant for PED development?
- How would you use a database tool to learn about PED development process (ie. using static information for dynamic decision-making)?
- Which future technologies do you think/expect will be included in PEDs and cities?
- What can be the challenges/barriers of PEDs in the future (regarding control, smart solutions, modelling, technolgoies...)?
- What is your expectation for modeling and how models can help to shape cities/PEDs?
- What is the impact of stakeholders in the PED desing/decision process, what are their "interests" and how are stakeholders likely to be involved in the overall process?
- What costs do you expect to bear and what revenues do you expect to realize from the PED implementation and, in relation to these, which aspects should be included in the organizational/business models?
- What would you prioritize in terms of energetic aspects or efficiency and social implications of living in a PED? Which aspects are more relevant for you?
- STD-CA-JPI are developing a database of PEDs and PED-Labs and it is expected to be partially open for the different stakeholders: What would be your main interest on consulting the Database?
- In the first phase of the project 25 guidelines were analysed and further guidelines are going to be analyzed. From your point of view, what information would be the most interesting to see (e.g. Inception, Design, Monitoring, implementation, technical aspects, PEDs Phase, ..)?
- In your opinion who can have benefits from the PEDs studies and Annex 83 results? Which stakeholders are interested?

Subtask A and B held a session on "Planning and Implementing Positive Energy Districts from Concept to Practice: Mapping of Characteristics, Technologies, Stakeholders, Methods and Processes" and subtask C on "Towards a sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts: methodologies, case studies and applications".
We will share the outcomes of the workshop in the near future.
Upcoming event
Annex 83 working meeting is scheduled for 14-16 September 2022 in Finland (if circumstances allow).
Summer School for PhD
The first summer school for PhD students of IEA EBC Annex 83 just concluded in Montreal, Concordia University. The school approached the topic of PEDs in a holistic way, including modelling, energy simulation, design, optimization and sustainability. With more than forty students the school was a success and we look forward to the next edition.
Thanks to Francesco Guarino and Ursula Eicker for organizing the event, to the Concordia team for hosting it, to all lecturers and all students who participated.
Look out for next year edition!

Newsletter [June 2022]
Subtask A
Preparations are underway for the 3 papers led by STA to be presented at SSPCR 2022.
For the paper "Do you want to live in a PED? A review of Quality-of-Life indicators from existing PED projects", a meeting was held on 10 Jun 2022 to discuss the respective contributions to the paper. Another meeting will be held on 13 July 2022 to be prepared for the conference. As Caroline is not able to attend the SSPCR conference, the second author Han Vandevyvere will present on her behalf.
Subtask C
The revision of the State of the art report is ongoing and all participants and writing teams will go through final corrections.
A joint paper with STA on quality-of-life indicators and relevant PED-projects for review has been discussed and planned.
Presentation on 27th May, by Tiziana Binda at the conference “New Metropolitan Perspectives 2022” in Reggio Calabria (Italy) of the paper entitled “Evaluating Positive Energy Districts: A Literature Review” (Tiziana Binda, Marta Bottero, and Adriano Bisello)
Subtask D
Annex 83 STD participated in the Positive Energy Districts conference in Amsterdam 23.-24.6.2022. The conference consisted of keynote speech, PEDs development analysis, site visits, workshops supported by inspiring social events. It provided a good platform for exchange of ideas, dissemination of concepts and future plans for PEDs.
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR) Conference [19-22.07 Bolzano]
Special sessions and special event supported by Annex 83 are organised at the international conference SSPCR. All subtasks have already prepared main topics they will be discussing during the world cade session. For more details about the topics discussed on PED day as well as the entire programme of the conference visit
Registration to the conference is still open
Newsletter [May 2022]
Subtask C
Presentation on 27th May, by Tiziana Binda at the conference “ New Metropolitan Perspectives 2022” in Reggio Calabria (Italy) of the paper entitled “Evaluating Positive Energy Districts: A Literature Review” (Tiziana Binda, Marta Bottero, and Adriano Bisello)
Subtask D
STD is still in the process of collecting PED-related guidelines. All contribution is strongly welcomed. Link to the form: Please share it with your network on LinkedIn and Twitter.
All subtasks are preparing for the SSPCR international conference happening in Bolzano in July. The first day of the conference, 19th of July, will be dedicated to PEDs related topics. To see a full programme of the conference visit this link:
Special Issues section
There is a new section on our website - “Special Issues”. Here you will find updated list of all Special Issues Annex 83 is currently following. Visit: .
Newsletter [April 2022]
4th Annex 83 working meeting
On 28th and 29th of April another working meeting took place online. Each subtask was working on defining topics and discussing doings for Annex 83 World Cafe event happening in July in Bolzano. Additionally, this was a to do list for each of the subtask:
- Subtask A: Outline how to proceed with the finalization of the Draft framework of KPIs activity, PED scoping definition and the PED archetypes definition;
- Subtask B: Develop timings and discuss a workplan to close activities B1.1, B1.2, B.21, finalize and plan the inter-subtask workshop;
- Subtask C: Develop and finalize a plan for the framework activities, literature review activities finalization;
- Subtask D: Outline how to proceed with collaboration with COST action PED-EU-NET/ JPI Urban Europe and with the inclusion of non-EU PED experiences, finalization and diffusion of the database and development of further dissemination activities, further development of the PED guidelines. As part of it, STD organised an expert meeting with focus on experiences with PEDs and PEDs Database (a collaboration with Cost Action PED-EU-NET). Participants took part in the working activity based on miro board, where they collected PED case studies examples and discussed the technologies.
On Friday 29th, there were 4 external experts giving presentations in regards to PED in Asia: decarbonization policies and case-studies:
- Zero carbon cities in Japan: current strategies and future challenges by Fernando Ortiz Montoya - Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
- An Overview of Contemporary Japanese Decarbonization Policies by Emma Saraff - Eu-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
- Net-positive Energy Buildings – an NUS-SDE Case Study by Khee Poh Lam, - Director of the Centre for Liveable Cities Ltd., Singapore,
- Low- and net-zero carbon city initiatives in China: energy transition, spatial planning, and the others by Bo Qin - Renmin University of China
Next Annex 83 working meeting
The next Annex 83 meeting is planned for 14-16 September 2022. If COVID situation allows it will be held in person in Finland! Updates on that will be send out by email.
Subtask A and Subtask C had a meeting to explore the possibility of interlinked cooperation focused on the establishment of a common PED framework for future activities and sustainability assessments.
Annex83 have following special issues ongoing:
Subtask D is in a process of collecting PED-related guidelines, in regards to conceptualization, design, implementation, evaluation, monitoring of Positive Energy Districts, Positive Energy Neighbourhoods, Near ZeroEnergy Districts, NearlyZeroEnergyBuilding, Zero Energy Building, Zero Energy Districts , Positive Energy Building, Smart Energy Cities, Climate Neutral Cities, Ecodistricts and in general related to Sustainable development of built environment. Link to the form:
Share it with your network on LinkedIn and Twitter
Submit a paper to Special Issue
On 25 March, we invite you to submit a paper to our Special Issue “Advanced Energy Systems in Zero/Positive Energy Buildings, Communities and Districts”, which will be published in Energies. I kindly ask whether you still have an interest in submitting it.
As an invited paper, the editorial office will offer you an 1100 CHF discount voucher from the Article Processing Charge (APC) CHF 2200 if you could submit your paper before 30 March 2023. There are a limited number of discount vouchers available which will be given to the first papers that will be accepted. Please ask us for the discount voucher in the email or during submission of the article. Please also note that you need to be the corresponding author or the first author if you would like to use the discount.
For more information of the Special Issue:
If you wish to check the fit of your manuscript for this Issue prior to submission, you are welcome to send a tentative title and abstract to our Assistant Editor April Liu ( and you will receive feedback shortly.
Newsletter [March 2022]
Subtask A leads 2 to 3 papers to the SSPCR 2022 conference:
- Development of archetypes for positive energy districts: concept and key characteristics,
- An in-depth learning of positive energy districts (PED) for their characterization by word embedding methods.
Subtask B
- Plans and organises case studies for PED’s,
- Works on concept for urban data management to harmonize case studies,
- Access and documents energy system component catalogue.
Subtask A and Subtask C are organizing a special issue on ‘Buildings’ Journal: "Planning and Implementing Positive Energy Districts from Concept to Practice (
This Special Issue is in collaboration with the International Conference on "Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions - SSPCR 2022", and the session "Planning and Implementing Positive Energy Districts from Concept to Practice: Mapping of Characteristics, Technologies, Stakeholders, Methods and Processes" (
Subtask C
Alongside the SSPCR conference, a “PED day” as a pre-conference event is going to take place on 19th July. The joint workshop is organized by the ANNEX 83 and the SMARTBEEJS project
Abstract submission for the session "Towards a sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts" is open until 8th, April, at the link
Subtask D
The COST Action PED-EU-NET, IEA Annex 83 and JPI Urban Europe PED programme organized a joint workshop on PEDs-Database on 8th of March 2022. The goal was to introduce and discuss the structure of the upcoming collaborative PED Database. This database will be based on the collection of a variety of PED experiences by the researchers of the three initiatives. One of the main outputs of the workshop was the difficulty to find representatives of non-European PEDs. Annex83 took over the role of collecting non-European PEDs experiences and fill this gap.
New publication
Hassam ur Rehman; Ala Hasan; Francesco Reda. Challenges in reaching positive energy building level in apartment buildings in the Nordic climate: A techno-economic analysis. Energy & Buildings. (2022), 262, 111991, doi:10.1016/J.ENBUILD.2022.111991.
Newsletter [February 2022]
Subtask C organises a Special Session for the SSPCR 2022 Conference
The session “Towards a sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts: methodologies, case studies and applications” aims at tackling the main aspects of sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts with a focus on case studies modelling and simulation. A workshop will be organized and hosted within SSPCR 2022 to share experiences and lessons learnt within the activities of the Annex 83 “Positive Energy Districts”.
The call for abstract is open until 14th of March.
The link to the session is:
Subtask D organises a joint workshop on creation of PED database
The joint workshop with CA PED-EU-NET will focus on collecting information of PED experiences and create a PED database. The purpose of this workshop is to validate the list of input parameters and expose the format and structure of the PED database, as well as the procedures to internally operate in a coordinated way, calling for Annex83 collaborators to participate in the PED examples collection phase.
The workshop is going to take place online, on 8th of March at 9 am.
Austrian Annex83 Kick off
The Austrian Annex83 under the lead of AIT had a kick off on 17th of February, with representatives from AIT, University of Innsbruck, Joanneum research and AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies. It focused on collaboration between subtasks specially between ST-C and ST-D.
PhD Summer School
We are happy to announce that the PhD Summer school organized by the Annex 83 will take place in July (1st-8th) later this year and will be held at Concordia University in Montreal.
To our students interested in participating: please check how to register here: Annex 83 Ph.D. Summer School. Please notice that registration is available until April 15th (or until the students registration limit is met).
Newsletter [January 2022]
Subtask A and B will organise a joint Special Session for the SSPCR 2022 Conference
The session entitled 'Planning and Implementing Positive Energy Districts from Concept to Practice: Mapping of Characteristics, Technologies, Stakeholders, Methods and Processes' aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners working on the definition, planning and implementation of positive energy districts and climate neutral cities to share thoughts and exchange experiences.
The call for abstracts is open until 14 March 2022, further information can be found on the website: energy-districts-from-concept-to-practice/
Subtask A
The next ST-A Members Meeting will take place in February 2022, more information about the meeting date and agenda will be announced shortly.
Subtask C
Rosaria Volpe is a new co-leader of the Subtask C.
Subtask D
Shokufeh Zamini (AIT) and Matthias Haase (ZHAW) will replace Hans-Martin (AIT) and Niki Gaitani (NTNU) in the co-lead of Subtask D in collaboration with Sergio Diaz de Garayo (CENER). Additionally, we want to recognise the role of Daniele Vettorato as PED Networking Ambassador.
One upcoming workshop will share with the rest of Subtask leaders the results of the ON-LINE form that will be used to collect information of PED experiences and create a PED database.
Newsletter [December 2021]
Subtask B
Is planning many activities for the upcoming year. First of all, a workshop on case studies will be held in March 2022 (jointly with other subtasks), in which the concept of different case studies, data availability and, (possibly) the energy system model and assumptions will be presented. The outcome of the workshop will be to develop a series of PED use cases that are representative enough for the Annex 83 and that will be modelled in the next months by Subtask B. In the 23rd of June an Annex 83 energy systems data and modelling course will be organised by Concordia University in Montreal, using the results of the workshops and subtask B colleagues and studies. Furthermore, a session for the Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions – SSPCR 2022 will be organised on the topic “Energy systems, Modeling and Control for Positive Energy Districts”.
Subtask C
is organizing a special session at the Smart and Sustainable Planning for cities and regions (SSPCR) conference in Bozen next July. The title of the session is "Towards a sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts: methodologies, case studies and applications". The topics of the session will include - among the others - Positive Energy Districts modelling and simulation aimed at decarbonization, analyses of good practices to achieve sustainability objectives, sustainability assessment frameworks and key performance indicators, sustainability assessment methodologies with a focus on environmental, economic and social impacts.
Subtask D
After completing the scoping phase of Subtask D1, the framework for data collection is being carried out in collaboration with the COST Action (CA19126 – Positive Energy Districts European Network) and JPI Urban Europe. The original template elaborated out of the specific requests of Subtasks A, B and C, has been merged with the COST Action and JPI Urban Europe data collection plans, and the resulting on-line form will be ready by mid-January of next year. The final version of this form will be presented to the Subtask A, B and C leaders to get their final approval and start the data collection phase.
New section on website
We created a new section on our website dedicated to multimedia It is a place where we want to upload input from meetings and other events organised by subtasks. Therefore, we encourage you to share with us interesting content that may be of interest to other participants.
And as always, for further updates we invite you to regularly visit this page.
Newsletter [November 2021]
Last Subtask C group meeting
The last Subtask C group meeting took place on the 15th of November. The framework definition for the economic, environmental and social perspective for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) was kicked off, aiming at the definition of an interdisciplinary approach towards sustainability assessments of PEDs. - The writing of the "State of the art on sustainability assessment of PEDs report" is ongoing and will foresee further developments in the next few months. - Three different journal papers have been identified and will be prepared within Subtask C in the next few months."
Update from Subtask A
PhD student Reza Fachrizal, from Uppsala University in Sweden, gave a presentation about how to evaluate PED qualitatively. The title of the presentation was 'Self-consumptionsufficiency balance (SCSB): An index to quantify the grid independence of local energy systems'.
The next subtask A member meeting is planned in the end of January 2022.
New publication
Marotta I, Guarino F, Longo S, Cellura M. "Environmental Sustainability Approaches and Positive Energy Districts: A Literature Review". Sustainability. 2021; 13(23):13063. (developed within Subtask C on environmental sustainability of Positive Energy Districts).
Call for PEDs/PEDs candidate cases
We are organizing the 'PED day' in the Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions- SSPCR 2022 (, therefore we call for the PED cases to participate in this joint sessions. Please submit your PED cases to investigate possible "PED/or PED candidates" cases for the SSPCR 2022 ( joint session. SEND YOUR CANDIDATE CASES to Ursula Eicker and Francesco Reda .
Newsletter [October 2021]
Online workshop “Positive energy districts performance assessment: methodologies, key performance indicators and future outlooks”
Subtask C and the EU SCC Monitoring & Evaluation task group co-organized the online workshop “Positive energy districts performance assessment: methodologies, key performance indicators and future outlooks” on the 22nd of October. The event aimed at sharing experience between the Annex and several other international PEDs initiatives on the topic of PED performance assessment. Around a hundred participants joined the vibrant discussion on current state and potential future development of PEDs.
Subtask B bi-monthly meeting was held on 28.10.2021
The meeting started by the following two presentations from other projects:
1. Integration of building flexibility into future energy systems (Academy of Finland project-FlexiB). Speakers Topi Rasku and Ala Hasan, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
2. MAKING-CITY PED technology tool for assisting cities on the PED decision making: Andrea Gabaldón and Beril Alpagut.
Team groups are created for preparing articles on design, flexibility and impact of PEDs.
There was discussion about preparation of Inter-Subtask Workshop on the preliminary results of activity B1: Mapping technical and system innovation solutions for PED.
New annex publications
- Tuerk, A.; Frieden, D.; Neumann, C.; Latanis, K.; Tsitsanis, A.; Kousouris, S.; Llorente, J.; Heimonen, I.; Reda, F.; Ala-Juusela, M.; Allaerts, K.; Caerts, C.; Schwarzl, T.; Ulbrich, M.; Stosch, A.; Ramschak, T. “Integrating Plus Energy Buildings and Districts with the EU Energy Community Framework: Regulatory Opportunities, Barriers and Technological Solutions”. Buildings 2021, 11, 468.
- Rehman, H.u.; Diriken, J.; Hasan, A.; Verbeke, S.; Reda, F. “Energy and Emission Implications of Electric Vehicles Integration with Nearly and Net Zero Energy Buildings”. Energies 2021, 14, 6990.
New project
ARTEMIS “An integrated approach to improve the environmental performance of smart cities” is a two-year Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie research project led by Eurac Research that aims to understand how smart city strategies can effectively improve the environmental performance of urban systems. The project will develop a novel environmental impact assessment framework, integrating urban metabolism and life-cycle assessment, and will propose KPIs to evaluate environmental impacts of smart city projects and strategies. The project will be carried out by Joana Bastos and Daniele Vettorato in collaboration with Prof. Leonardo Rosado from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden).
More information: and
Newsletter [September 2021]
Biannual online Working Meeting
Annex 83 held its biannual online Working Meeting on 23 and 24 September. The meeting reviewed the status of progress in the four WPs of the Annex and plans for the next period. The programme also included a PED showcases session with four presentations from four countries and a PhD students session
with three students’ presentations.
You can find the meeting’s presentations in the Annex Teams under Meetings > 2021_09_WorkingMeeting and a record of the PhD session under PhD students meetings> PhD students presentations Sept 2021.
Note: The next Annex meeting is planned for 28 - 29 April 2022
Summer School 2022
In the Annex meeting, ideas were discussed for arranging a Summer School for students in summer 2022. The summer school will be coordinated by Francesco Guarino Professors, teachers and students who are interested can contact Francesco Guarino for more information about the participation.
Workshop on Positive Energy Districts Performance Assessment
STA and STC are jointly organizing a Workshop on Positive Energy Districts Performance Assessment: Methodologies, Key Performance Indicators and Future Outlooks. The event will include presentations on the Annex work and discuss needs and potential of research on the workshop topics. The event will take place on the 22 October 14:00 - 16:00 CET (online). More information about the workshop will be circulated soon.
Newsletter [August 2021]
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-21 | 15-17 September
Annex 83 is organising a special session (IS13: Positive Energy Districts) in the SEB-21. Here are titles and authors from the Annex papers:
- A systematic approach towards mapping stakeholders in different phases of PED development – Extending the PED toolbox.
Caroline Cheng, Vicky Albert-Seifried, Laura Aelenei, Han Vandevyvere, Oscar Seco, M. Nuria Sánchez, Mari Hukkalainen.
- A preliminary analysis of the characterizations of positive energy districts.
Xingxing Zhang, Santhan Reddy Penaka, Samhita Giriraj, Maria Nuria Sanchez, Paolo Civiero.
- Fundamentals of energy modelling for Positive Energy Districts.
Luigi Bottecchia, Andrea Gabaldón, Tony Castillo, Silvia Soutullo, Saeed Ranjbar, Ursula Eicker.
- Reviewing challenges and limitations of energy modelling software in the assessment of PEDs using case studies.
Alberto Belda, Emanuela Giancola, Karen Williams, Sanam Dabirian, Muhyiddine Jradi, Rosaria Volpe, Soroush Samareh Abolhassani, Alberto Fichera, Ursula Eicker.
- State of the art on sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts: methodologies, indicators and future perspectives.
Francesco Guarino, Adriano Bisello, Dorian Frieden, Joana Bastos, Alberto Brunetti, Maurizio Cellura, Marco Ferraro , Alberto Fichera, Emanuela Giancola, Matthias Haase, Julia Kantorovitch, Camilla Neumann, Rose Mankaa, Ivan Luque Segura, Marzia Traverso, Giovanni Tumminia, Rosaria Volpe, Xiaojin Zhang.
- Sustainable Development Goals and performance measurement of Positive Energy Districts: a methodological approach.
Maurizio Cellura, Alberto Fichera, Francesco Guarino, Rosaria Volpe.
Webinar 'Spine modelling tools' | 7-10 September
4 days presentations for introduction and case examples of Spine energy system modelling tools.
Newsletter [July 2021]
Upcoming workshop of PED initiatives hosted by EERA JPSC
Annex 83 is participating in the Workshop of PED initiatives on preliminary results: Towards a European PED definition. The workshop will be held on the 17th of September 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 CEST and is hosted by EERA JPSC. The workshop aims to discuss preliminary results of the alignment core group on PED definition and integrated approach and also discuss further PED definition process.
Update from Subtask B
In the bi-monthly meetings of Subtask B, members make presentations on urban data and energy modelling of PED to increase the collaboration between partners. In the last meeting on the 24th of June 2021, Subtask B had presentations on district heating networks from the University of Valladolid with a large monitoring data set available and from the University of Catania on agent based modelling.
In the next meeting on the 25th of August 14:00-16:00 CEST, the two following presentations are planned:
- Xingxing Zhang “Digital Twin for Accelerating Sustainability in Positive Energy District: A Review of Simulation Tools and Applications”,
- Ursula Eicker “Concepts for an automated workflow of district scale building and energy system modeling”.
New Annex 83 publication
"Characterizing Positive Energy District (PED) through a Preliminary Review of 60 Existing Projects in Europe" Xingxing Zhang, Santhan R. Penaka, Samhita Giriraj, Maria N. Sánchez, Paolo Civiero, and Han Vandevyvere. 2021. Buildings 11, no. 8: 318.
Newsletter [June 2021]
Reporting Annex 83 in the IEA EBC ExCo meeting
Dr. Francesco Reda, the operating agent of Annex 83, made a presentation in the IEA EBC ExCo meeting on 17.6.2021 and reported the progress of the following work of the Annex:
- the established Annex website, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts
- the PED invited session to be held in the International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
- the published articles by Annex 83
- the Annex 2nd Working Meeting held in April 2021
- the Annex 83 created PhD students network
- the main achievements per each SubTask of the Annex.
The Annex progress was very well received by the ExCo supervising member.
Announcement of a workshop organised by Concordia University
Library workshop for Urban Platform: Use of data libraries and catalogue concepts for energy systems, occupancy, green roofs and other urban domains
Time: Monday, July 12, 2021, 9 to 11 AM EST
Workshop presenter: Kai Brassel, Hamburg/Germany
Participation link:
The goal of the workshop is to understand data modelling for urban scale applications and to implement such data models in catalogues. These catalogues could be a basis to share information with country specific performance and/or cost data.
Background reading: Kai Brassel shared a tutorial that he wrote especially for domain experts: Kai (Guest): How to Create Parameter Catalogs for Simulations (posted in CERC NextGenCities Platform / Parameter Catalogs at 20. April 2021 19:30:35 MESZ).
NOTE: if you don’t have access to Concordia Teams, you can find it here as well:
The document gives some „historic“ context - IT and project wise - in chapter one. Second chapter, then, explains step-by-step how to practically start with data-modelling. Again, not all technicalities may be important for the first read, but at least you should digest, and ideally exercise, the chapter „How to Implement Parameter Catalogs with Eclipse“. In there you find further references on data modelling, and especially you should carefully look at the 18 slides about Object Oriented Modelling and Domain Models by Steve Easterbrook (University of Toronto,
Newsletter [May 2021]
Paper submissions for SEB21 Conference
The deadline for papers submission for the PED session of the SEB21 conference has been extended to the 16th of June! This will give us the chance to increase the Annex participation to the conference. However, do not wait until the last day and try to submit your paper according to the original schedule by the 4th of June.
Webinar on LowCarbon, Positive Energy Resilient Communities
There will be a webinar that will be held on October 12, 2021, 11:00 am 2:30 pm EST. This Webinar is related to the project: CAE Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables in 2050. More information at
Newsletter [April 2021]
Annex 83 new publication
“A techno-economic analysis of an optimal self-sufficient district” Ari Laitinen, Oscar Lindholm, Ala Hasan, Francesco Reda, Åsa Hedman.
Energy Conversion and Management. Volume 236, 15 May 2021, 114041.
Open access publication
Note: if you make a publication related to your contribution in Annex 83, please indicate the Annex in the Acknowledgment so that it can shown in the Annex publications news and on the webpage
Note: If you have a new publication and want it to be listed on Annex 83 website (, please send it by email to Anna Kozlowska (
Twitter @Annex83_IEA
rom now on Annex 83 has Twitter account @Annex83_IEA which we strongly suggest to follow.
2nd Working Meeting [April 2021]
THE EBC Annex 83 held its second Working Meeting on 21st and 22nd of April 2021. Around 100 participants from 23 countries took part in several sessions held online. The subtask leaders shared the current status of their groups work and presented the next planned steps.
Since last Working Meeting, Subtask A worked on first version of ST-A data collection table. Subtask B organised two workshops, developed a first version of the PED cases technology review and created a repository for open-source database for PEDs. Subtask C presented the current status of the creation of the repository and informed about upcoming workshop on PED KPIs which will be held on 19-22 of October. Subtask D shared an update on demo case template creation and ongoing collection of PED guidelines. Additionally, all subtasks are working on publications.
The next Working Meeting is planned for 23-24 of September 2021.

Newsletter [March 2021]
Next Working Meeting
The Working Meeting of the Annex will be on 21–22 April 2021. Please find the tentative agenda of the meeting from the following Teams link.
Annex 83 PhD students network
In order to create connection between PhD students who are participating in the Annex for collaboration in their research and publications, a survey has been initiated. PhD students are kindly asked to fill out their data from this Teams link indicating their name, email address, affiliation, country, tentative thesis title or main research filed, brief description about the PhD research, and in which subtask they are participating. Please note that there will be a special session (PhD Talk) on the 2nd day of the next Annex Working Meeting (22 April 2021), where some students can present the progress of their PhD research and can discuss with other students.
Session in the International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
Annex 83 is arranging a special session (IS13: Positive Energy Districts) in the International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-21, 15-17 September 2021 Two papers from each subtask of the Annex are planned in this session. Deadline for submission is 4th June.
Annex 83 publications
The first publication of the Annex has been published in Buildings Journal.
Title “IEA EBC Annex83 Positive Energy Districts”. Authors: Åsa Hedman, Hassam Ur Rehman, Andrea Gabaldón, Adriano Bisello, Vicky Albert-Seifried, Xingxing Zhang, Francesco Guarino, Steinar Grynning, Ursula Eicker, Hans-Martin Neumann, Pekka Tuominen and Francesco Reda. Buildings 2021, 11(3), 130.